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Public Records Request

To Request Your High School Transcript:

If you would like to request a copy of your high school transcript, please follow the link below:
Request Your Transcript (This link will direct you to the appropriate form or provide further instructions on how to obtain your high school records.) 


Records Requests

  Newport School District is committed to full disclosure and transparency in making public records available.  Questions or comments regarding the School District’s public records process may be sent to, mailed to the District's Administration Building located at 1380 W. 5th Street, P.O. Box 70, Newport, WA  99156, Attn: Public Records Office, or called in to (509) 447-3167.  Administration office hours are  8:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Summer hours are 8:00 a.m. through 2 :30 p.m., Monday through Thursday.     

Frequently Asked Questions 

  What is the Public Records Act? 
RCW 42.56.070 requires each agency to make available for inspection and copying non-exempt public records in accordance with the Public Records Act (PRA). The purpose of the Act is to provide the public full access to information concerning the conduct of government, mindful of individuals’ privacy rights. View Public Information Act    

What is a public record? 
The PRA defines a public record as "any writing containing information relating to the conduct of government or the performance of any governmental or proprietary function prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics."    

How do I request public records? 
Any person wishing to inspect or obtain public records should make the request in writing using the Newport School District's Public Records Request Form. The request should include the requestor’s name, contact information, detailed description of the record, and date of the request. Please click here for the form ⇒  
PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST FORM . Once completed, you can either email, fax or mail the form to:   
Public Records Request Email   Newport School District C/O Public Records Request P.O. Box 70 Newport, WA 99156   Fax 509-447-2553     

How do I know which records to ask for?
If you’re not sure what to request, feel free to call (509) 447-3167 for assistance. If you can tell us what it is you’re looking for, we can help identify the record you need or the staff member who can provide the information.      Under Public Records laws, a requestor is not required to identify the exact record he/she seeks, but is required to request an “identifiable record.”  An “identifiable record” is one that agency staff can reasonably locate.      

What is the District’s policy on disclosure of public records?
It is the School Board’s policy to disclose public records pursuant to the public records laws. 
 View Policy 4040 - Public Access to District Records       

How Does the District Process Public Records Requests?
The Public Records Act governs each agency to provide access to public records and protect records from damage. The District will provide the fullest assistance to requestors, and provide a timely response to public records requests. The public records officer or designee will process requests in the order allowing the most requests to be processed in the most efficient manner and without excessive interference with other essential functions of the District.      

Within five (5) business days of receipt of the request, the public records officer will do one or more of the following: 

a) Acknowledge receipt of request and provide a reasonable estimate of when records will be available; or   
b) Make the records available for inspection or copying; or   
c) Seek clarification of request if the request is unclear or does not sufficiently identify the requested records. Such clarification may be requested and provided by telephone; or   
d) Deny the request.  

  Are There Fees for Public Records?
You may inspect public records at no charge. The District will charge 0.15 cents per page for copies, if more than 25 pages are provided.  There is no fee for smaller requests which can be fulfilled by sending records via email. Fees can be paid and copies may be picked up at the District Office (1380 W 5th Street, Newport, WA  99156).