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Replacement Educational Programs & Operations Levy

2023-2026 Replacement Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) Levy    
Thanks to the support of our community, Newport Schools have developed an excellent educational program for our children.                     Why do we need EP&O Levies?  
  • The current supplemental levy will expire at the end of this school year.
  • EP&O levy dollars help us to maintain current district programs and services.
  • EP&O levy dollars help to support unfunded state programs like student activities or enhance current district operations and support expenditures like the school resource officer, school nurse and funding for Pend Oreille River School/Skill Center.  
  • We must have a supplemental levy in place to receive matching LEA funds.  

  2023-2026 Replacement EP&O Levy  
This levy replaces an expiring three-year levy and renews local funding, allowing us to provide quality educational opportunities for the students of our community.  Allowing us to maintain existing programs as well as staffing levels.  State funding does not adequately fund current programs and services and levy funds ensure that we can maintain these quality programs.  The loss of a levy and matching funds would significantly impact NSD operations and require reductions in programs and staffing.  


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Extra-Curricular Programs: Fully supports the extra-curricular programs and includes all salaries/benefits, athletic safety equipment, personnel training, officials and transportation.




Staffing for Student Support: These positions are focused on the emotional and physical safety of the students in our buildings. They include counselors, partial funding of school administrators and the addition of a truancy/community engagement coordinator and a dean of students at the middle school.




Staffing Over State Reimbursement: These funds support smaller elementary school class sizes, our K - 12 highly capable program, our K - 4 Science Technology Engineering Arts Math (STEAM) teacher, and school librarians.




Chromebooks, Advanced Opportunities, and Student Assessment: Support the 1:1 student Chromebook ratio in our district, which teachers use to facilitate the delivery of curriculum in the classroom and remotely.  In addition, funding is needed to support the completion of state and federally mandated assessments that all districts must provide.  Advanced opportunities allow students in our high school to receive college credit for classes taught by NHS teachers (College in the Classroom).




Health and Safety: Assists in funding 1.5 nurses as well as a full-time School Resource Officer.  Updated security cameras for Sadie Halstead Middle School followed by Stratton Elementary, and updating security systems to include a district lockdown system.




Pend Oreille River School and Skills Center: Allows our district to operate and maintain our PORS alternative high school and skills center facility. 




Facilities and Equipment: Funds will assist in building an in-door practice facility for our high school, middle school, and youth wrestling programs, and spring sports.  Money will be used to update aging equipment in our building's kitchen as well as overall facility maintenance.




KUBS F.M. Radio Station: Funds will provide for much needed updated broadcast and live streaming equipment and a new position of full-time Radio manager.








What will this levy cost?  
Levy rates are calculated on a cost per thousand of the current market value of properties.  If market values increase, levy rates will decrease and the opposite is also true.  If market values decrease, levy rates will increase. The estimated levy rate for the 2023-2026 replacement EP&O levy is $1.50 per thousand.  Note:  Senior and disabled citizens may be eligible for a homeowner's exemption.  Exemptions are based upon income and must be applied for.  To see if you qualify, contact the Pend Oreille County Assessor at (509) 447-4312.    

Cost to the Homeowner 
 Home Value  Projected Levy Tax Per Month
 $100,000  $12.49
 $150,000  $18.73
 $200,000  $24.98
 $250,000  $31.22
 $300,000 $37.47




